The Disneyland That Was, Is, and Never Will Be : A Biography of an American Institution

Fiche technique
Auteur : GENNAWEY Sam Nombre de pages : 336
Editeur : Clerisy Press Dimensions : inconnues
Thème : Parcs à thèmes Poids : inconnu
Date de publication : 13-08-2013
ISBN-10 : 1578605385
Edition : Première édition ISBN-13 : 978-1578605385
Couverture : Couverture souple Prix d'origine : 18,95$ / 14,05
Langue : Anglais Prix d'occasion : inconnu

Résumé de l'éditeur

Walt Disney said, “Disneyland is the star. Everything else is in the supporting role.”

The Disneyland that Was, Is, and Never Will Be is the story of how Walt Disney’s greatest creation was conceived, nurtured, and how it grew into a source of joy and inspiration for generations of visitors. Despite his successors battles with the whims of history and their own doubts and egos, Walt’s vision maintained momentum, thrived, and taught future generations how to do it Walt Disney's way.