"This book is my gift to you, in commemoration of the Happiest Celebration On Earth, and in recognition and appreciation of the unique contribution that you make to Disney. We would not be here except for you.
Disney magic is reality for millions of people around the world and for generations to come - because of you, your belief in our purpose, and your pride in what you do." -Jay Rasulo
"Disney "magic" means many things to many people - the beauty of Snow White, the thrills of Space Mountain, or the rhythm of "Circle of Life." But in its purest, most tangible form, Disney magic lives and breathes in you, our Cast Members.
We hope you find tremendous gratification in knowing that you create the ultimate magic - the magic of memories that live forever in the hearts and minds of millions of people around the world. For that, we thank you." -Michael Eisner and Bob Iger |