The Insider's Guide to Euro Disneyland 1993 |
Fiche technique | |
Auteur : | Nombre de pages : 292 |
Editeur : Fontana | Dimensions : 13 x 19,7 x 2,1 cm |
Thème : Parcs à thèmes | Poids : 0,22 kg |
Date de publication : 11-01-1993 |
ISBN-10 : 0006379303 |
Edition : Première édition | ISBN-13 : 978-0006379300 |
Couverture : Couverture souple | Prix d'origine : 6,99£ |
Langue : Anglais | Prix d'occasion : 5-20€ |
Table des matières |
Résumé de l'éditeur |
Europe's most popular new attraction (including the entire Euro Disney Resort) from an absolutely independent point of view.
Everything you need to know to enjoy all of Euro Disney!
The best of Disney know-how is on display, and Euro Disneyland offers an unforgettable and unique holiday experience. The Insider's Guide to Euro Disneyland is the only independent guide that tells you how to get the most out of your trip - the most fun, the best value for money, and the best use of your time. Whether you want to be economical or madly extravagant, spend one day or six, stay in the resort or discover more of Europe, The Insider's Guide to Euro Disneyland will help you have the most memorable time of your life. Essential information includes :